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Road Risk Management  

As part of our Vehicle Management service, we offer a complete Duty of Care solution for Road Risk Management - the ideal solution for companies that are looking to stay 'health and safety compliant' in relation to the employees they ask to drive on Company business.

From risk assessment to driver policies and on-line or on-road training. New Health and Safety Laws have made this an essential for any business to incorporate as part of their overall Health and Safety strategy.


We use and recommend three market leaders to help give good advice: for detailed assessment and recommendations, for vehicle tracking and we are members of The Association for Road Risk Management

It is estimated that fewer than 20% of companies operate an effective Road Risk Management policy. There are many reasons why Companies haven't acted yet and these include:

  • Road risk is only one of many business risks

  • Unsure where to start

  • Don’t see a financial benefit

  • Think that drivers having a licence is sufficient proof of competance to drive on business


However, organisations that don’t act are not only potentially gambling with the lives of their staff and therefore failing to provide appropriate ‘duty of care’, but they have missed an opportunity to reduce vehicle costs and reputational risk within their business. Driving in general and driving ‘at work’ in particular is a high-risk activity and the costs, when it all goes wrong, can be substantial. ‘Doing nothing’ is not a rational business decision as the business-wide benefits of assessing road risk, measuring it & then managing it, cannot be ignored.

The 'Duty of Care' legal situation Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 employers have a statutory duty - they are required – ‘to carry out an assessment of the risks to the health and safety of their employees ’ and that ‘includes any driving activity on the road’ – see