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Treating Customers Fairly  

The customer is at the centre of what we do at PrestonSkirrow Ltd. Treating customers fairly is a culture that is not only essential to our day-to-day operations but which is compulsory for the long-term growth and development of our business. All of the team here consistently strive to exceed our customers’ expectations during and after the transaction.

We believe that the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) principles not only complement our existing approach; it encourages us to continually monitor, assess and evolve in a changing environment where a customer’s needs and interests must be met. For more information on the FCA, please see their page About Us.


For more information on our procedures, please click the links below



All offers are subject to change at any time, you must be 18 or over and finance is subject to status, vehicle availability and terms and conditions apply. We can introduce you to a limited number of finance companies, a commission may be received. Failure to maintain payments may result in termination of your agreement and the vehicle being returned, this could affect your credit rating and make it more difficult to obtain credit in the future. All prices correct at time of publication. All vehicle images and car descriptions on this site are for illustration and reference purposes only and are not necessarily an accurate representation of the vehicle on offer. Finance provider documentation fees may also apply. Alternative agreement types terms, mileages and deposit quotations are available on request.